Monday, November 22, 2010

Motivation - The Power of Drive

Motivation- The Power of Drive!

My experience tells me there are three stages people go through on their way to having the drive necessary to meet their goals:
  • I want to want to
  • I want to
  • I will no matter what

It’s only when you reach the stage of I will no matter what that you access the power of drive in your life.
Having said that, I’ve taken the word DRIVE and created an acronym that provides us with some direction. Here are five key strategies for implementing the power of drive in your life.

D etermination - Once you have decided on a goal, there can only be two results: you either get what you want or you have reasons (that is, excuses) why you didn’t. Determination produces results instead of excuses.
Does that mean that with determination you will never fail? No, not at all. The race is not always given to the swift, but to those who keep on running.
Many people know the name Babe Ruth as one of the greatest home run hitters in the history of baseball. Did you know he also lead the league in strikeouts? Babe Ruth also said, “You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.” The implication for us is clear - keep swinging.
R esponsibility - There is a famous qoute that says, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.” Unfortunately, we live in a culture that seems to teach “if it’s to be, it’s up to someone else.” Responsibilty means that you have determined (there’s that word again) that no one else has to do anything or stop doing anything for you to do your part, and do it massively.

I nventive - The seven last words of any business or corporation are “we’ve always done it that way before.” That’s a sure death rattle for any creativity at all. Remember, if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten. 

Every so often I get someone who tries to convince me that they are simply unable to be creative. My question to them is this, “do you ever worry?” Of course the anwer is yes. Worry is nothing more than creativity used in a negative way. It's the misuse of one's imagination.

Here’s a creativity causing question “In how many ways can I accomplish what I want, in new, unique and fun ways that will benefit both others and myself in the process?” Chew on that one a while, and watch the creativity start flowing.
V ision - There is a parable that says “where there is no vision, the people perish.” (proverbs 29:18) I believe this holds true for our goals, as well as anything else for that matter. Do you have a clear picture of where you want to go?
If not, follow these two steps:
  • Create a very clear and detailed picture of where you want to go and how you want your life to be. It can help to cut pictures from magazines, books, etc. that represent your goals and dreams. A vision board! 
  • Take the picture in your mind and make the colors more intense and more inviting. Make all the details of the picture brighter and brighter. This creates a more and more compelling picture that can increase your drive.

E nthusiasm - Nothing great is ever accomplished without enthusiasm. It’s the engine that drives great accomplishments. Author and speaker Barbara Glanz, whose slogan is “spreading contagious enthusiasm” has this to say about the power of enthusiasm: “I am constantly humbled by the gift with which I have been blessed--a contagious enthusiasm about the difference each one of us can make in this world.” Samuel Ullman once said, "Years may wrinkle the skin, but loss of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."

If you will install these five keys into your life, it will serve to jump start your drive. Article Source:

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