Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Relaxing with mental hand" daily 5-minute stress management

Everyone has this favorite expressions when it comes to stress, and I wouldn't bother naming all them because also vary between different languages. But when it comes to him, I think that it is how we work, or even to relax, for matter that stress trigger. Never been emphasized even when you are relaxed and boring? I know that I have.

Then error! Invalid hyperlink reference.It is inevitable in life, it is important to find ways to reduce and prevent stressful events and reduce adverse reactions to destacar.estas are some things you can do to remember, just because life is basically a routine brushing teeth, or breakfast, you can do some of them on a longer period of time, but as they say - every minute counts.

Manage time

Qualifying time you can spend more time with your family and friends and possibly increase the performance and productivity; this will reduce your stress.

Improve your time management:

• Save time focusing and concentrating, delegate and scheduling time for yourself.

· Register how you use your account, including work, family and leisure time.

• Prioritize their time for the assessment of the importance and the urgencia.Redirigir activities time activities that are important and meaningful to you.

· No more - or undercommitting given its commitments.they commit to what is not important to you.

· Manage procrastination by means of a standard, split large into smaller projects and establish deadlines.

· Revise their beliefs to reduce conflict between what you think and how your life will look like.

Build healthy clear strategies

It is important that you identify your clear strategies; a way of doing this is by the stressful event, recording his reaction and how to deal with the daily stress. with this information, you can work to change unhealthy clear strategies for healthy people - who will help you focus on positive and what you cannot change or control of your life.


Certain behaviors and lifestyle options affect your stress; they may not cause stress directly, but that can affect how your body looking for relief from stress, try:

· Balance personal, work and family needs and responsibilities.

· Have a sense of purpose in life.

· Sleeping appropriate, since your body recovers from pressures on the day when they sleep.

· Eat a diet balanced for a nutritional defense against stress.

· Get exercise moderate throughout the week.

· Reduce your alcohol consumption.

· Not to smoke.

Social support

Social support is an important factor in how experience us stress, social support is positive support from family, friends and the community, is knowing that you are properly served, loved, respected and valued.more and more research shows a strong correlation between social assistance and a better physical and mental health.

Change your thinking

When an event triggered negative thoughts, may experience fear, uncertainty, anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, and a feeling of disability or impotence.These emotions trigger stress in the body, as well as a real threat.manage your negative thoughts, and how you see things can reduce stress.

· Pensamiento-parada helps stop a negative view to eliminate stress.

· Dissemination of irrational thinking helps you avoid exaggerating negative idea, predict the worst and interpreting an event incorrectly.

· Troubleshooting help you identify all aspects of a stressful event and find ways to deal with it.

· Change style communications help which you communicate in a way that makes that your comments without other feel presented, hostile or intimidated; this reduces the stress that comes from poor use staircase with the aim of improving their communication style.

Even authors that I get highlighted even if we only use our hands to speak, but to sit for 7 or 8 hours already enough pressures and have our own ways to alleviate stress, regardless of if you are an e-chico, Director General, or the average father is probably an unwanted visitors would love to set up your home, especially in his life.

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